Government of Telangana issued “Indira Mahila Shakti” policy to empower the Self Help Groups in the State through different livelihood activities proposed. The policy document envisaged that, the Telangana has a large network of vibrant women Self Help Groups (SHGs) in both rural & urban areas with more than 63 lakh members. This large network of women with an established eco-system of financial inclusion is a huge strength for State. The Government is envisaging a shift in the development paradigm of the SHG movement by moving from just thrift & bank linkage to making it as centre of economic empowerment through livelihood initiatives and thereon wealth creation. To empower SHG women through Micro Enterprises Development in next five years under Mahila Shakthi activities are envisaged. The focus will be on leveraging one lakh crores bank loan linkage to SHGs and Rs.25,000 Cr. exclusively for small business, enterprises, support to SHGs in Skill Development, Branding & Packaging, Marketing, Establishment of Common Processing Centres, Partnership with TSAs and institutions creation, Support System development, Mini Industrial Parks, Vaddi Leni Runalu (VLR), Loan insurance & Accidental Insurance, mobilization of leftover rural families into SHGs and Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees etc.

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